Veterans and Hearing Loss
As a veteran of one of America’s military branches you may have been exposed to damaging noise during your service.
The type of duties you performed while in service, especially in combat situations, may have caused permanent damage to your ears that did not show up right away.
How do I know if I have hearing loss?
- Are you having difficulty hearing conversation in noisy environments? (i.e. family dinners, council meetings)
- Do you have ringing (tinnitus) in your ears?
- Does your family complain that the television is turned up too loud?
- Can you hear people but they just aren’t clear?
If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, then you may suffer from hearing loss and/or tinnitus.
What do I do if I suspect my hearing loss is related to my military service?
- If you suspect that your military service may have contributed to your hearing loss you must first register to receive benefits from the Veteran’s Administration Hospital.
- Next, you must file a Compensation & Pension claim with:

- If you belong to one of these organizations great, if not, take a copy of your DD-214 and ask to speak to one of the service claim representatives.
- Finally, you will receive notice to report to the VA hospital for evaluation, you must keep this appointment.
Where are community services provided?
Weekly audiology clinics are held at:
- Albuquerque Indian Health Center
- Santa Fe Indian Hospital
- Acoma-Cañoncito-Laguna Hospital
Bi-monthly audiology clinics are held at:
- Jicarilla Health Center
- Southern Ute Health Center
- Ute Mountain Ute Health Center
Monthly audiology clinics are held at:
- Canoncito HC
- Mescalero HC
- Alamo HC
- Pine Hill HC
- Cochiti Pueblo
- Isleta Pueblo
- Jemez Pueblo
- Sandia Pueblo
- San Felipe Pueblo
- Zia Pueblo
- Santa Ana Pueblo
- Taos Pueblo
- Santa Clara Pueblo
- Santo Domingo Pueblo
Periodic clinics are held at other Pueblos.
A doctor’s referral is not needed for an audiology appointment. Contact the hospital, clinic or CHR program in your community to make an appointment.
The Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc.
AAIHB, a non-profit corporation, advocates on behalf of American Indians through the delivery of quality health care services, which honor spiritual and cultural values.
Since 1980, AAIHB has been a prime contractor of specialized health services and technical assistance to tribal communities in New Mexico and Southern Colorado. Current services include:
- Audiology program
- HIV/AIDS Prevention program
- Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center
- NARCH Program
Training and technical assistance is also available in a variety of areas.
The Audiology Staff
Our staff consists of professional, certified audiologists who are licensed in the state of New Mexico and Colorado, as well as audiometric technicians. Our goal is to improve the hearing health of our Native communities.
We are committed to providing high-quality audiology care to the communities served by our organization. If you have any questions regarding our programs or our services, please call us at (505) 764-0036.