COVID-19 Resources
Public Health Alerts | AASTEC
The Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. (AAIHB), and its Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (AASTEC) are dedicated to providing tribal communities in the Albuquerque Area with resources and technical support to assist their local COVID-19 emergency response efforts.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 | AASTEC
What you need to know to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.
COVID-19 Educational Material | AASTEC
Visit website at to see COVID-19 educational materials.
Partner Resources
Messaging Courtesy of:
Dr. Rachell Tenorio, Mr. Matthew Frank and Contreta Endwarrior, Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board
Ms. Jennifer Nanez, Albuquerque Area Indian Health Service
Ms. Teresa Gomez-Honoring Native Life, University of New Mexico, Division of Community Behavioral Health
Mr. Ray Daw-National American Indian and Alaskan Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center
Ms. Rebecca Riley-Native American Professional Parenting Resources Inc.
Dr. Neal Bowen-New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division
Mr. Eldred Lesansee-New Mexico Indian Affairs Department
New Mexico Crisis and Access Line
SAMHSA Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center
Ms. Connie O’Marra, Ms. Barbara Aragon, Ms. Jaymee Bird, Ms. Maegan Ray, and Mr. Pedro Reyes-Tribal Tech LLC.
Dr. Caroline Bonham-UNM Division of Community Behavioral Health
Mr. Norman Cooeyate, Ms. Nathania Tsosie and Ms. Micah Clark-UNM Center for Native American Health
Ms. Mallery Quetawki-UNM Community Environmental Health Program
Ms. Sheri Lesansee-UNM Native American Budget and Policy Institute
COVID-19 Situational Report | AASTEC