Kari Vallo
Tribal Affiliation: Acoma Pueblo
Title: Health Communication Specialist
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Kari Vallo, is an enrolled member of the Pueblo of Acoma. As an Acoma Matriarch, she has an inherent instinct to support Native youth and their communities.
Kari received a Bachelors of Agriculture in Animal Science from New Mexico State University in 2019. Currently, she is pursuing a graduate degree in Indigenous People's Law from the University of Oklahoma. Her ambassadorship roles have included Miss Indian New Mexico Teen, New Mexico Youth Beef Ambassador, Miss Native American New Mexico State University, and the NM Indigenous Youth Council. She currently is a Voting Member on the Board of Directors for Miss Indian New Mexico, Inc.
Kari has experience in working with tribal communities, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic as a Health Educator, which propelled her to pursue a career in public health. She has worked with the New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils as a Communications Lead. Kari feels a need to help tribes and the communities of New Mexico achieve better health and wellness. Her passion for caring for those around her can be seen in her role as the Health Communications Specialist for the Community Health Education and Resiliency Program. She is passionate about this role as she is able to provide social media outreach to tribal communities through various social media outlets.
- HIV Counseling, Testing, & Referral Services
- COVID-19 Contract Tracing