Message from Our Executive Director


Welcome to AAIHB, Inc.

Yá’át’ééh. Shí éí Ayn N. Whyte yinishyé. Tó'aheedlíinii nishłį́, Kinyaa'áanii bashishchiin, Naasht'ézhi dine'é dashicheii, Naakai dashinalí. Ákót’éego diné asdzáán nishłį́. (Hello, I am Ayn N. Whyte. My clans are The Water Flows Together People, I am born for the Towering House Clan, my maternal grandfathers are the Zuni Clan, and my paternal grandfathers are Mexican.

I am the grand daughter of the late Christine and Herbert Becenti of Muholland Well, NM and the late Leo Rangel of Thoreau, NM and Marie Whitehorse of Whitehorse Lake, NM. I am the daughter of Lynda A. Whyte and Ken R. Whyte, sister to Jerold B. Whyte, Retired US Navy, wife to Anthony L. Segura and mother to Kayne Rangel, Logan Don, Sawyer Mahkah Lee, and Hope Yanabah Lee.

In 2003, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and in 2006, a Master of Science degree in Health Education, both from the University of New Mexico. I joined AAIHB in 2010 and became the Executive Director in 2019. My experience in public health includes cardiac rehabilitation, diabetes prevention and research, colorectal health research, sexual health education, HIV prevention and research and Hepatitis C awareness and prevention.

On behalf of the Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. (AAIHB) Board of Directors and Staff, I extend warm greetings and welcome you to the AAIHB, Inc. website.  AAIHB, Inc. was established under Public Law 93-638 and guided by indigenous tribal leaders to encompass various initiatives developed to empower Native peoples to alleviate the health disparities through advocacy, and informed targeted action by and for the Southwest Native American pueblos, nations and tribes.

As you navigate your way through our website it is our intention to provide a comprehensive and in-depth review of current endeavors, reflecting the pride we, as AAIHB employees across the southwest region, have in our continuing growth and current success.  It conveys our sense of mission and vision to advocate on behalf of American Indians through the delivery of quality health care services that honor spiritual and cultural values.

The AAIHB organizational culture is characterized by its ability to implement self- determination through its greatest resource; the collective wisdom of tribal leaders and members to sustain the legacy that it has built for over three decades.

From AAIHB's start in 1980 to present day, our tradition of community driven grassroots health initiatives has guided continuous improvement in the way we operate and strive for growth.  Our business meets the needs of over 60,000 Native people from diverse communities and backgrounds.  Everyday our work touches the lives of our tribal members and our services are fundamental to improving our quality of life.

Through our website, you will discover our commitment to the tribal communities we are honored to work alongside. Our focus consistently has been to challenge health disparities while working proactively with our tribal members to find the best solutions and applications to assure ‘sustainable’ long term relationships.

These are exciting times for AAIHB and I think you will get a sense of our passion, expertise, reliability, and innovative nature as you browse through this website.

Ayn N. Whyte, M.S.
Executive Director